Sunday, March 10, 2013

Marco Polo

Marco Polo Audio CD Cover
While the original video for this seven-part story remains lost, it is available on audio and in book form. I listened to the audio as part of the "Lost TV Episodes" audio, which contains this story and several others. There are also images, video clips, and reconstructions all over the Internet.

I was impressed and this had been one of my favorite stories, not only of the first doctor, but of the entire run. At first I thought, "seven episodes, wow that's long," but the story moved along the entire way with suspense, side plots, and sub stories.

The casting was good, especially Mark Eden as Marco Polo -- but that's not to take away from the work of the others, who all did a fine job.

Mark Eden as Marco Polo
Yes, Marco Polo is definitely worth the listen. The only problem I really had (besides wanting to shout "Polo!" every time someone shouted "Marco!") was Susan's constant screaming. I don't know if her character was developing the way it was intended--as a frightened teenage girl, or if the writers just did not know what to do with her. I would have liked to have seen more screaming from Barbara (the human who is not accustomed to aliens and danger) and less from Susan (who grew up with aliens and danger).

Next up: The Sensorites.

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