Sunday, June 23, 2013

(Most of) Season Two Review

As mentioned earlier, I've already seen most of Dr. Who's second season. There were some high points, but honestly I'm not a fan of this season. Just seems like some of the stories were tired and too drawn out.

The Dalek Invasion of Earth -- I really liked this one. The team did a good job brining the Daleks to Earth and maintaining a good story throughout the six part storyline. And who can forget Susan's farewell scene? There is an excellent colorized version on YouTube here.

The Rescue -- I guess this one wasn't bad but I couldn't help but feeling it was a "let's introduce another young woman as a companion as quickly as we can so we can move along" story. Vicki made for a good companion and I guess it's a good thing this was only a two part story.

Maureen O'Brien as Vicki
The Romans -- I watched this one shortly after the tenth doctor mentioned it during "Fires of Pompeii." For the most part I liked it, although I think they made light of some very serious issues such as murder and persecution.

The Web Planet -- I absolutely hated this one. That is all.

That brings me up to 2013 and "The Crusades." Not much is left of this episode so I decide to watch it via BBC's photonovel. I don't know if it was the medium or what, but I couldn't get through it soon enough. Seems like many of the stories are starting to share the same plot: Barbara (or other female) get kidnapped or lost, Ian mans up, the Doctor cautions him not to go and ends up meddling with historical figures, Ian goes and saves Barbara (who for some reason is still not having sex with him...that we know of) and the crew shuffle off to their next adventure, with everyone left behind learning some important lesson. The only problem is that the rescue always takes so long and gets muddled. Oh, and let's not forget the covert operative or antagonist (in this case Leicester), the unlikely hero (Haroun), and the plethora of minor characters. Still, there were some good bits about this story and I liked the anti-war message. That, and I've always favored the historical episodes.

'You stupid butcher!' says the Doctor. 'Can you think of nothing else but killing, hmm?'
After watching nearly all of the first two seasons, I must admit that Ian has become one of my favorite companions. He's the ordinary "Joe" thrown into extraordinary circumstances and rises to the occasion, helping his companions--and the Doctor--out of danger over and over again. He's a man of conviction and values and someone who would do "the right thing" when asked. I am hoping he makes an appearance during the 50th reunion show. That would be neat.

I've also developed an appreciation for William Hartnell's doctor and hope that Dr. Who moves away from youth and hires an older person to play the Doctor -- though maybe not as old as Hartnell, who wasn't as old as he looked (he was only in his late 50s when the show was being filmed but to me looks to be in his 70s).

Next up:  The Space Museum, The Chase (one I'm really looking forward to), and The Time Meddler (one of my favorite first doctor stories.